Monday, January 13, 2014

10 things

I'm starting this with the hopes of it being a regular post to help you get to know me a little better.

Some of these are serious for me. And some are just for fun. I hope you enjoy! 

5 things I'm into...
1. Mint fudge covered Oreos. Um yum.
2. Promised land milk. Preferably with above cookies. 
3. Jesus. The one and only. (I have been for a while ;)
4. My new Keurig!! 
5. Taking random pics with my new camera. 

5 things I'm over...
1. People thinking everything is about them.
2. Direct tv commercials. Seriously? Who is creating these???
3. Parents not taking responsibility for their children. 
4. My curly hair.
5. Calories. 

Thanks for stopping by! What are you into or over right now??? 

Mama Dot

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