Monday, January 13, 2014

10 things

I'm starting this with the hopes of it being a regular post to help you get to know me a little better.

Some of these are serious for me. And some are just for fun. I hope you enjoy! 

5 things I'm into...
1. Mint fudge covered Oreos. Um yum.
2. Promised land milk. Preferably with above cookies. 
3. Jesus. The one and only. (I have been for a while ;)
4. My new Keurig!! 
5. Taking random pics with my new camera. 

5 things I'm over...
1. People thinking everything is about them.
2. Direct tv commercials. Seriously? Who is creating these???
3. Parents not taking responsibility for their children. 
4. My curly hair.
5. Calories. 

Thanks for stopping by! What are you into or over right now??? 

Mama Dot

Saturday, January 11, 2014

My hubby aka Daddy

This post is for my great friend Shannon.

My husband is a wonderful man. He has been the love of my life for the last 17 years. We met in 11th grade Algebra 2 when I "accidentally" kicked him as he walked by. We have been married for 10 and a half years, have two beautiful children and I can't wait to see all God has in store for us! We have been through many things the last 17 years. He has stuck by me through high school dating drama (all my doing ;), college long distant relationship, first jobs, engagement (FINALLY!), family tragedy, our wedding, the First Year, building a home, my awful sick pregnancy, our first sweet baby, him allowing me to stay home (we were broke!), loss of his job and a miscarriage (in the same month), another awful sick pregnancy, our second sweet baby, loss of friends, and countless other trials and joys.

He is an amazing man and I am one lucky gal.

While I was growing up my parents affectionately called one another "Mama" and "Daddy". They did this so we would hear them called by the names they wanted us to use. Have you ever heard children calling their parents by their first names? Yeah. That didn't fly at our house.

So when we became pregnant with Grits, I started calling him "Daddy" because that's how my mama and daddy did it so it seemed natural. The problem is, since that time, I hardly ever call him by his real name. Like ever. Even in public.

Like in the grocery store, I'll ask him "Hey Daddy don't let me forget the toilet paper".

Or at dinner with our friends, "Daddy would you mind handing me the salt?"

So a few weeks ago at a wedding, I called him Daddy at the dinner table and my friend Shannon cringed. She does not like it when I call him that in public!

As I started thinking about what to call him on the blog, it seemed only natural to call him Daddy.

Sorry Shannon.

I know. Some people think its weird. But its just the way we do things.

But for Shannon, I'm trying to remember, at least when we are in public, to remember to call him by his real name.

Just for fun- Here's a pic of what some people probably think when they hear me!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas, my love

I love Christmas. The manger. The lights. The tree. The food. The gifts. The tree.

Did I mention the tree?

So I have a confession to make.
I still have up my Christmas tree. I still have up all 3 of my Christmas trees.

I know. I know. Its January 7th. But I had a belated Christmas gathering last Saturday night and really wanted my friends to see them! But that was almost 4 days ago and they are still up. And there is no definite schedule for getting them taken down.

Tonight as I sat grading some math tests (I know. Such an exciting life ;), I sat by the light of the tree. It is beautiful. 9 feet tall. Over 1,500 lights. And more than 300 ornaments. All different.

I collect ornaments. Each one tells a story. From pre-kid weekend get-aways to Tybee Island, to bad perm 1980's school pictures in popsicle stick frames. I love the memories that each one holds. They are all special to me and I treasure each one. When I'm forced to finally put away the tree I feel sad because I feel as though I'm boxing up these memories. Putting them in the attic is like out of sight, out of mind. I don't have the daily reminder of the magic of the past and all the fun that we've had. I'm tearing up as I write this! (I know. I'm a Christmas nerd!)

Although the thought of putting away the tree does make me sad, I'm reminded of a scripture from God's word.
John 10:10b says "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." Christ Jesus came to that manger, so that every day I could have an abundant life. So that every day I could have joy and that I could enjoy life here on earth. So that I could have Christmas every day. 

This year I will choose joy, because that why He came. That's why I celebrate my most favorite holiday, Christmas. 

And for all my OCD friends that are cringing at the fact that my trees are still up, they will come down some day soon. Just not today.

With joy,
Mama Dot

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Frozen and Idina Menzel

Today we took Grits to see Frozen. I really like the movie. But more than that, I LOVED the music. As soon as the main character, Elsa, began to sing I knew I had heard that voice before. I knew I had spent countless hours singing along with her. It was Idina Menzel. For those of you that don't know she was the lead in the broadway hit Wicked. Elphaba. Her voice is enchanting. Amazing. Haunting. In the very best way. 

Thank you Disney. Thank you for giving me a new soundtrack to belt out along with. And thank you Idina. For lending your voice. Truly beautiful. 

And if you happen to see me driving around, singing at the top of my lungs, yes. Yes I'm singing "Let it go" ;)