Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Worlds okayest mom

So have any of you moms every had a bad case of mommy guilt? 

You know, like when you're trying to get your toddler to go to sleep and you let them cry it out. Only to go in after 30 minutes to discover they have puked all over the crib and themselves??? 

Yes. I totally did that. 

I remember a day last year that left me with some serious mommy guilt. 

My daughter had been complaining of a toothache for about two weeks. Everytime I looked in her mouth I couldn't see anything. So I told her she just needed to brush better and floss in that spot. 

It had been a doozie of a day teaching school. I was stressed and frustrated with the world. When she complained again, I threatened to take her to the denstist. I know. Horrible right?!? Then I asked her to bring me a flashlight. When the light hit her tooth... 

Oh. My. Goodness. 

A huge hole in her molar. I screamed for Daddy and he was able to clean out all of the gunk that had been collecting for two weeks. I called the dentist and they worked us in the next day. The dentist was able to cap her tooth. She had broken her molar a few weeks earlier crunching on popcorn. I spent the next few days telling her how sorry I was that I hadn't looked closer, sooner. I had a serious case of mommy guilt. How could I have let her tooth get that bad? 

Has anyone out there ever felt that way? Most moms I know have. We try our best every day and still there are things that get by us.

I saw I this mug on Pinterest and just loved it. 

Being an okay mom is okay.  

Even doing the best we can, we sometimes fall short. But that's ok.  I truly believe doing our best for our kiddos is all they need.

We need to give ourselves a break. And give other moms a break. Some days are spectacular. Rainbows and all smiles. And some days... well, aren't. 

And on those days, as long as we are doing our best, we can proudly be the world's okayest mom. 

How the "Excessasaurus" became an endangered species at out house

Warning: This is blog post may cause you to look deep into yourself (or at least your kids closets ;) 

The Excessasaurus. 
From the Yallgottomuchstuff era.
Closely related to the Junkosaurus.

This fierce creature has been a resident of our home since the day we brought Grits home from the hospital. And he brought all of the things that come with having kiddos. Blankets, bottles, high chairs, and baby playmats soon turned to toys, toys, and more toys. Then one kiddo turned into two and the toys were multiplied along with all the "stuff". 

Did I mention the toys?

Let me pause here and say we have a wonderful extended family. And they all LOVE to buy gifts for grits and jags. There's just something about seeing the smile on a child's face when they rip into a gift that you know they've been begging for. Right? 

But the truth is, they will toss that same toy that they couldn't live without to the side for the chance to tear open another gift. All of those people are well intentioned and they really do love our kids. They just can't see the monster they are creating!

So back to this mess. In an effort to cut down on the junk, this past Christmas, I made my sister (Kiki) promise that she wouldn't buy ANYTHING for my kids. But if she insisted on spending money, to buy something for someone who really needed it. I gave Grits a World Vision Gift catalog and asked her to pick out a few things that she would like to "get" and things she would like to "give". This amazing catalog is full of things children all over the world need. From chickens and goats to soccer ball and school supplies. Grits picked out bunnies for Kiki to give her and soccer balls and chickens to give her cousins and friends. What an amazing sight?!?!? Christmas Eve, to see my girl and nephews opening photos of kids on the other side of the world receiving animals and toys!! It really opened my eyes to the excess that we wade through daily. 

So I decided to do something about it. I started with the garage. Seriously. We couldnt even park in our two car garage because the Excessasaurus had taken up residence in there!!! Tons of stuff went to a local mission that runs a thrift store. 
Now onto the den of the beast. Grits room. We had been arguing over this mess for more than a year now. Every day it was a constant battle. Pick this up, hang these where they belong, put this toy back. Everyday it seemed was another mess. So with a prayer and high hopes, I sat down my girl and had a heart to heart. We talked about the excess and how much trouble it was causing. Much to my surprise, she was on board with the clean up and clean out project! So we worked to create a mountain of excess together! 

I'm happy to report all has been donated to the mission and we haven't had one single argument about her room!

We are still working on the rest of the house. One day at a time. 

This is a big process but I am learning so much. 

According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world."

Nearly half of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty (less than $1.25 a day).

More than 1,600 children under age 5 die every day from diarrhea caused by unsafe water - that's more than AIDS and malaria combined. 

We are so abundantly blessed. But I don't believe that God intendes for us to live in this opulence, with our closets and garages spilling over and let the rest of the world starve to death. We are responsible. We shouldn't allow our children to grow up believing "doing without" is missing dessert or not getting a toy toy the cash register. They need to know that all this stuff, really is just stuff. And that life is about so much more than that. 

It's about love. And giving. And sharing. And caring for our neighbors. The ones next door and the ones around the globe. That less really is more. 

So won't you join me? The challenge of pushing the "Excessasaurus" toward I extinction is two fold. Not only do we need to get rid of the excess in our own homes but also help those that are in need. Need some ideas? 

You probably have 10 blankets in that hall closet. Donate them to a homeless shelter.

Your kids are probably like mine. Clean out those toys and donate them to a childrens home.

For your next birthday ask friends to buy gifts for someone that really needs it. And donate a gift through World Vision.

We can all make a difference. I want to teach my kid that less is more and we all have what really need. Each other. 

    SourceNow, don't get me wrong. I'm sure this "Excessasaurus" will rear it's ugly head again. But I'll be right there. Armored with the truth that less really is more. And I'll push that beast closer to extinction! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Our stories

When I began to consider writing this blog, I wanted to connect all of the pieces of me in one place, with one purpose. To show people that we are all in this together and through God's mercy and grace we will get through it. My husband and I have a beautiful life together. Two amazing kids and the love of a lifetime for each other. But we also have troubles. We've faced many of them head on, with the armor of God and the love of our friends and family. Others, under the covers barely surviving. Wondering how we would ever make it.

And others we still face. 
Every day. 

I read a great blog a few weeks ago about telling our stories at We are that Family. 

Each of us have things we need to share. Stories that deserve to be told. Miracles and tragedies. And miracles through tragedies. In every circumstance that we have faced, God has brought us through. 

I saw this quote and was inspired to encourage you to tell your story. 

So do it! Share you miracles and tragedies. Someone needs to know they aren't alone. And you'll find healing too.