5 things I'm into and 5 things I'm over.
I'm into...
1. Celebrating Love.
2. Wearing all black.
3. The legend of Mick Dodge. Watch it!!
4. Little Debbie Valentine cakes.
5. Toasting my bread with both slices on the same side. Leaves the inside soft and chewy and the outside crunchy.
I'm over...
1. Weeds in my yard.
2. The big empty space on my living room wall.
3. Cooking.
4. Our dog, Lottie, licking. Everything. (What is up with that???)
5. Clutter.
What are you into right now or totally over??? Leave me a comment and let me know :)
Currently I am into getting ready for our baby chickens, and I am so over people twisting the word of God to fit their own lifestyles.