Back to the floors, so I swept, vacuumed and mopped all the floors yesterday and they looked wonderful. I was so proud. Now, NOBODY move. Or walk, or frolic on my freshly clean floors. OK?
Yeah, right. Two kids, one dog and a husband later, they need to be swept again. But still looking clean. That is until this morning.
Our seven year old daughter, aka Grits, was outside riding the new scooter Santa brought while our little boy, aka Jags, was inside
This is where the clean floors come in, or should I say dirty floors.
There he is. Standing there in all his cuteness, in his baseball jammies holding a large clump of dog poop in his hand. Grits had brought in the surprise on both of her shoes and tracked it all throughout the house. Are you kidding me right now?? Of course. I FINALLY clean the floors and this happens?!?!?!?!
Ok. First, clean the hands. Then the shoes. Then the floors.
After I got finished laughing, I stopped to think about the floors. You know its like in life, just when we think we are all "cleaned up", something comes along and tracks poop in all over our clean floors. We just have to remember God's always there with the mop, ready to help us clean up the messes in our life. Sure. It stinks sometimes. And sometimes we are in the mess because of our own doing. Or do-doing ;) Either way, he's there.
Truly His,
Mama Dot
Disclaimer: This is the family from the commercial. Not us.
Just thought you should see what perfection looks like.
Our family verse of the week:
Psalm 46:1 "The Lord is our refuge and strength. A very present help in time of trouble."